The Pool Dilemma

Indoor Pool Closing

Over the past year we have been struggling with the decision about whether we continue to keep the indoor pool open. Unfortunately hydrotherapy is still a therapy that many dog owners are not familiar with the numerous benefits for their dogs, and with the veterinarian offices installing water treadmills, they certainly are not telling their clients about the indoor hydrotherapy pool that is much more reasonably priced then their water treadmill sessions. It has been challenging to get the word out to the local and surrounding canine communities, especially without the help of the veterinary clinics.

It is a hard decision to make but we will be closing the pool the end of April 2025. We hope to relocate the pool to an outdoor location at our facility, to offer rental of the pool and to continue to offer recreational swimming for dog's boarding at our facility.

We would like to thank the many clients who used our pool services on a regular basis, some of which have been with us since the day we opened our pool.

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